I am a student (age 21, female) in Social Work at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Beside social work I am studying Psychology and Science of Religions as optional subjects. At the moment, I am attending the third semester and in the summer of 1997 I will finish the basic studies with various examinations in theoretical knowledge of Social Work.
On the one hand, the studies of Social Work are based on theoretical education and research. On the other hand, practical skills are learned in two practical trainings. In summer 1996, I made my first practical experience at a Social Welfare Service for a period of three months. There, I was mainly working with Social Casework.
The next practical work is planned for the winter semester 1997/98. It will be for a period of six months and it is possible to do this work in a foreign country. I am interested in spending this time in Australia. But it is very difficult to find a placement from here in Switzerland. I was hoping you could help me to get more information, addresses or any kind of support in finding a place for social work in Australia. I am especially interested in the following areas of Social Work: community centres, projects with natives (sic), the problem of violence on women and children, street work, working with drug abusers, youth work, etc.
I would be very grateful if you would send this letter to a social institution or project who you think could be interested in having a student from Switzerland or if you could send me other addresses of social institutions and projects.
Flurina Derungs
Bd. de Perolles 53
CH - 1700 Fribourg
Phone: 0011-41-26-424-47-54
Fax: 0011-41-26-481-12-50